Almost Instant Black Bean Soup

November 29, 2020

Okay, this black bean soup recipe isn't as instant as opening a can but it does come together fast and costs so much less!

I'm almost embarrassed to post this one. Not because the recipe is bad but because the photo is so bad. Oh yeah, this black bean soup looks like slop.

almost instant black bean soup cooking in a pan.

One day I'll take a better photo and update this. 

Until then, I know that people are needing cheap and quick meals more than ever. Amy's makes a canned black bean soup that's also pretty healthy. But it's about $2.50 for one serving instead of $0.66 for this recipe.

If you have some extra veggies laying around, frozen corn or shredded carrot are both delicious additions. Try some cubed roasted sweet potato in it. These are all foods that are usually inexpensive to buy and good choices to stock up on when they are on sale as they all keep well.

Do you prefer a chunkier soup? Save out a quarter of the black beans and add to the pan after you blend the rest.

The calories in this black bean soup are pretty low so you have room to either eat two servings or have something with it. Kevin's a big fan of grilled cheese with this. I prefer to round it out with extra veggies or leftover whole grains.

If you're feeling fancy, sprinkle a bit of our vegan parmesan on top for a little extra something. Or try chopped cilantro and a squeeze of lime.

[wprm-recipe id=6726]

What's your favorite way to enjoy black beans?

Laura Nunemaker

About the Author

Laura Nunemaker

vegan. full-time traveler. rv dweller. food lover. cow petter.

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