Tofu Fried Rice

November 24, 2020
tofu fried rice in a white bowl with added kimchi.

I'm going to go ahead and admit that fried rice was not my goto order at Chinese restaurants. I always preferred to get a stir fry with steamed rice. But when at home, I love making Tofu Fried Rice! 

You know how you always have bits and pieces of orphan veggies leftover in your refrigerator? Or partial bags of frozen veggies? Tofu Fried Rice is the perfect way to use those up. Feel free to add up to four cups of veggies to this dish. As a matter of fact, just plan to make it once a week and use it as your dumping ground for all those veggies you won't be using otherwise.

Also, it doesn't have to be Tofu Fried Rice. Use up leftover proteins in this dish. As long as the flavors make sense, of course. Sometimes we use leftovers from a takeout meal.

brown and white rice grains on a wooden surface.

Now, I have white rice in the recipe because it's the cheapest, but we use brown rice. I like to cook a big batch of brown rice and use it with multiple meals throughout the week. This dish makes great leftovers, too.  

There is something different about this Tofu Fried Rice recipe. I don't use oil. Because of the Bragg Liquid Aminos and ketchup, the sodium does come in a bit high. If you want to lower the sodium, use lower sodium versions of those ingredients. You can find options in most grocery stores.

This meal is also delicious sprinkled with slivered almonds, a few shakes of gomashio, or with kimchi on the side as pictured above.

[wprm-recipe id=6724]

How about you? What was your goto order at your favorite Chinese restaurant?

Laura Nunemaker

About the Author

Laura Nunemaker

vegan. full-time traveler. rv dweller. food lover. cow petter.

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