Top 5 questions about RVing in Baja, Mexico answered
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We get a lot of questions about RVing in Mexico. Since this is our second trip bringing the RV all the way down the Baja Peninsula, it seems like a good time to answer some of the most common questions we get.
Everything discussed here is specific to the Baja Peninsula and our experiences. Your milage may vary. But I will say that Kevin and I have traveled to Mexico at least half a dozen times, Baja and Mainland, and have never had a problem with safety. I even rented a car in Mexico City with two friends and drove a loop to Teotihuacan, Papantla, Veracruz, Puebla, Taxco and back to Mexico City. The worst thing that happened is that we might have been charged too much for a cab ride.
Isn't the border closed?
(This information is specific to the Covid-19 pandemic)

Technically, yes. Even when we crossed into Mexico with our RVs when the threat level was "orange" on Mexico's stop light system. Now the level has moved to "red" but Baja California Sur where we are is still at "orange." You'll find a good explanation as to what each level means here.
At level orange, it was still business as usual for Americans crossing the border into Mexico. We were able to get our Forma Migratoria MĂșltiple (FMM), tourist permit, without any trouble. We also crossed the border with two other RVs, no problem. The military checkpoints had no issue with us.
Isn't it dangerous?
Not that we've experienced.
On the Baja Peninsula, tourism makes up a significant part of the region's income. So it isn't in their best interest to mess with tourists. Crime happens just like it does in the U.S. Keep your wits about you, don't be flashy, and lock up your toys.

That said, we've been parked in the same spot for two months and haven't had any problem with theft. Paul and Lorena leave their bikes unlocked. Kevin and Paul have a tent full of kite boarding equipment unlocked. We're sitting next to a bunch of tents full of windsurfing equipment that sits here unlocked all season. I take a walk every morning down the main road by myself.
Won't you get sick from eating at restaurants, using ice, etc?

Well, we haven't. We order drinks with ice. We occasionally eat at restaurants. The people here filter their water before they drink it, make ice with it, or serve it to you.
We filter the water as it comes into the RV, as we do in the U.S. It's just one of those standard blue inline filters everyone uses.
Recently we upgraded to a secondary reverse osmosis filter for our drinking water. We love it, but it's absolutely not required for safe drinking water. Paul and Lorena have a Berkey for their drinking water.
On our last visit, we just had a standard filter under the sink and we drank that water. I wash the produce with single-filtered water. We eat local fresh fruit and vegetables all the time. We have had no tummy upsets.
Go more in depth with these posts about RVing in Mexico
What if you get sick?
We'll go to the doctor! The cost of medical care here is much cheaper than in the U.S.
You might even know people that cross the border for dental work, glasses, and to buy medications.
Don't come down here destitute and if you're concerned there are health insurance policies you can get that will cover you.
What if you break down?

There are mechanics here and they are quite resourceful! There are welders everywhere. People are very used to making do here. They will make every effort to get you on your way again.
One caveat is that if you need to have a part imported, the shipping will be very expensive. You should definitely give your RV a good once over before heading into Mexico. But really, you should be doing that regularly anyway.

Have you got more questions? You might find the answers in our videos from Mexico or on this post all about RV camping in Baja. Or, comment below and we'll be happy to try to help!
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