Oil-Free Spice Cake

April 23, 2020

It's a rainy, chilly day so I decided that today's the day to crank up the oven and make an Oil Free Spice Cake.

making oil free spice cake.

Because we try to stick to whole food plant-based diet in the RV, the dessert recipes are a bit scarce here on the website. So I decided that until we can share treats with other people, I needed to find some desserts to make that don't stray too far from our regular foods. 

This Oil Free Spice Cake is also vegan, whole grain, and only sweetened with maple syrup. It's lightly sweet and amazing with a cup of coffee. The raisins are little bursts of sweetness and the walnuts give it texture.

If you'd like to switch things up, chopped dates would be nice instead of raisins. Or you could even add finely diced fresh apple to this oil free spice cake. 

One thing I've noticed in the RV is that when I'm going to bake I want it to go as quickly as possible. Even if it's cold out, I don't really want to run the oven for an hour waiting on a loaf of sweet bread. So I'll always choose to make a snack cake, like this oil free spice cake, or muffins instead since they cook so much faster.

And as much as we love "regular" desserts, we have NO willpower and will eat way too much of them. With only two people eating it, I also feel compelled to make sure it doesn't go bad.

[wprm-recipe id=5809]

Do you prefer your cake in snack, loaf or muffin form?

Laura Nunemaker

About the Author

Laura Nunemaker

vegan. full-time traveler. rv dweller. food lover. cow petter.

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