Pumpkin Sage Pasta

January 31, 2021
pumpkin sage pasta on a plate.

When thinking about budget meals, many people immediately think of pasta with red sauce. But if you're getting tired of that combination, this Pumpkin Sage Pasta recipe is super easy and is less than $0.50 per serving!

You know the canned pumpkin that starts showing up in stores around September and hangs around until the Christmas holidays? It makes an amazing base for a pasta sauce! 

Now, you want the one that is only canned pumpkin. You don't want the one that has the pumpkin pie seasonings in it. If you're lucky, you can stock up when it's on sale and have quick pasta year round for even less.

More reasons to stock up on canned pumpkin

And while this Pumpkin Sage Pasta recipe is a good reason to stock up on canned pumpkin, it's not the only reason. You can use pumpkin puree to replace eggs and oil in baked goods. You can even use pumpkin to replace the fat in tamale dough. If you have a dog, keep pumpkin on hand for when they get diarrhea. Here's how to use it.

Pumpkin nutrition

As far as nutrition goes, pumpkin is a great source of vitamin A and fiber. It also has low calories and fat by volume. If you are using white pasta instead of whole grain to save money, the fiber in the pumpkin can help pick up some of the nutritional slack. 

While this pumpkin recipe is quite filling, we like to bulk up the nutrition by adding in frozen peas, spinach, kale, or broccoli. Add any of these to the last few minutes of cook time for the pasta and your meal will instantly be that much more nutritious.

We enjoy Pumpkin Sage Pasta with a sprinkle of our Vegan Parmesan

pumpkin sage pasta with kale and vegan parmesan on a plate.

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Do you enjoy savory pumpkin dishes? Which are your favorites?

Laura Nunemaker

About the Author

Laura Nunemaker

vegan. full-time traveler. rv dweller. food lover. cow petter.

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